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Voici ce que disent certains de nos clients {{block type="core/template" template="page/artizara_alltestimonials.phtml" title="Testimonial" identifier="testimonial-"}}

Je voulais que vous sachiez que j'ai récemment voyagé à l'étranger et que j'ai emballé quelques chemises que vous m'avez envoyées et qu'elles sont incroyablement polyvalentes et parfaites pour voyager. Ils ne nécessitent pratiquement aucun repassage et sont des pièces parfaites à porter avec différentes écharpes et pantalons. J'ai prié pour que vous et votre entreprise prospériez en fournissant un produit que peu de gens peuvent obtenir facilement. Cordialement, Ayesha


Inspired By Our Heritage

Our founder, Sarah Ansari, has been sewing clothes since she was young. Her mom taught her to make clothes piece by piece, and to have pride in her own skin.

Deeply inspired by the rich artistry of cultures influenced by Islam, Sarah recalls looking up at the ceiling in an ancient mosque, enthralled by the interlocking patterns that go on forever. "It's a metaphor for the universe, how we’re all inter-connected. Life is complex, it’s beautiful, and we’re all in this together.”

This is at the heart of why she started Artizara: to share a story of human connection through witnessing beauty.

Read Sarah's full story..

Sarah's story

Our founder, Sarah Ansari, has been sewing clothes since she was young. Her mom taught her to make clothes piece by piece, and to have pride in her own skin.

Deeply inspired by the rich artistry of cultures influenced by Islam, Sarah recalls looking up at the ceiling in an ancient mosque, enthralled by the interlocking patterns that go on forever. "It's a metaphor for the universe, how we’re all inter-connected. Life is complex, it’s beautiful, and we’re all in this together.”

This is at the heart of why she started Artizara: to share a story of human connection through witnessing beauty.

Read Sarah's full story..

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